Asami Toyo

Chaos, Moogle

Name: Asami Toyo
(Actual birth name unknown)
Fake age ARR-StB: 18-20
Actual age ARR-DT: 24-29
Date of birth: 17th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Race: Au Ra, Raen
Height: 146 cm
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Ancient name: Epiales
Relationship status:
Not a priority for her but she enjoy Sadu's company
Main Jobs:
DT: -

BackstoryShe was born and raised in a small village in Doma by a hyurian family. She was too young to remember her biological parents, nor did she know her birthday or birth name. Regardless of her physical differences the family raised her as their own.She wasn't raised as an only child but had a sibling 5 years older than her named Takeshi.
Being raised while Doma was under garlean rule wasn't the easiest nor was their room to question anything. Learning that they were worthless and that they only could amount to anything if they served the empire blindly, willing to risk their own life to serve the empire.
Asami wouldn't learn to question these things until she was let down by said garleans that had sworn to protect her family while she was serving them.From the age of 12 she was trained alongside her brother to join the forces. Under a short period of time she'd proven herself to be useful and thereby allowed to attend the prestigious school the empire had put in place for gifted and loyal Doman children. During her years at the academy she honed her skills and became known as one of the best assassins under garlean command. She and her brother were like rivals always pushing each other on who could prove themselves to be more useful to the empire.She wasn't questioning the life she was leading until that day when the news reached her that a fire had broken out in her village caused by the same garlean soldiers that had promised to keep her family and village safe. In an attempt to scare villagers and discourage them from rebelling a house had caught fire. It was Asami's home. Her parents who had done everything for her were now dead. The only thing that ever mattered to her was now reduced to ashes..Something in Asami broke that day and it would never be whole again. She abandoned her post and killed dozens of soldiers as she made her escape. Anywhere would be better than Doma, how she made it all the way to Eorzea was like a blur since she hadn't been able to sleep without the fear of assassins coming after her.She easily boarded a ship leaving for Limsa Lominsa, a strange name but good enough of a distance from garlean rule. The trip took several days and with each passing day it was getting harder to stay alert. Asami was sure she'd die from starvation before she even had the chance to reach her destination. Yet she didn't fight it when her eyelids became too heavy. Perhaps if the kami was kind to her she'd finally reunite with her parents.But this was only the beginning of her long journey. She was nursed back to health by medics once the ship had reached its destination. Personnel on the boat had discovered her when unloading the ship and had brought her to the healers of this strange land that they called Eorzea.Asami is constantly haunted and tormented by people she's crossed paths with. Doesn't matter if they were friend or foe, ghosts of the past cling on to her with no signs of letting go. The first time she realized this was something that ordinary people didn't deal with was when she was 5 years old, and saw people that others couldn't, she could hear them speak to her but she never dared to speak back to them after her adoptive family asked why she was mumbling to thin air.She has learned to somewhat ignore them over the years but it has also deteriorated her mental stability by a great deal, especially during the time she worked as an assassin for Garlemald. The most common ghosts she interacts with and cling on to her are her adoptive parents that first appeared to her when she returned home after months long mission only to see that her village had been burnt down to ashes. This is what caused her to abandon her post and flee from Garlemald’s clutches.